Tuesday, October 4, 2011

wafflemania 2011!


The other day the husband said "I'm in the mood for some waffles!".
As with almost anything he says, I just let it go in one ear and out the other.


I'm joking.
But I just concurred that yes, waffles are a delight.
Turns out he was ready to go. For waffles, that is.
So we searched for the waffle maker that had been shoved to the back of some cabinet, dusted it off, and heat it up.
He wanted to make waffles with almost a sugary crunch running throughout, almost like the idea behind a Liege waffle, but when the syrup failed to freeze, we opted for idea number 2: bacon.
Bacon in the waffle. Good morning, indeed!



We happened to have a box of waffle mix in the pantry so we used that and added a good handful of crispy, cooked bacon.
Served with sliced bananas, warm syrup, and a cup of coffee, this breakfast was such a delight.
(And while we did cheat and use a mix, you can use your favorite waffle recipe or check out this fantastic post on waffles in the equally fantastic Orangette blog.)


the husband prefers sliced strawberries instead..

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